His Naval service included six Commanding Officer assignments; two surface warfare ships, destroyers, and four Naval Bases, mostly telecommunications commands. His civilian career has included strategic planning consulting for a number of well-known corporations as well as work for the U.S. and U.K. governments, including the U.S. Treasury Department and the Central Intelligence Agency. He completed pro bono graduate educational strategic planning for the W. Paul Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University. His most recent corporate employment opportunity was as Information Technological Advisor and Executive Program Director for the Gartner Research Corporation. His most recent strategic planning project was for the city of Washington DC, involving strategically selecting critical reaction mobile communications. Captain McKeown lives in Rancho Mirage, California.
About the Co-Author of Londonderry Farewell
John has a BA from UCLA and a JD from Loyola Law School. He is President of GreatHouse Marketing Strategy, a marketing consulting firm and GreatHouse Stories that assists clients in writing biographies, histories and memoirs. John has been a writer all his life with numerous published works and three published books. One of his books is the award-winning Spirit Catcher that earned Best Biography Award from the Small Press Association. He is involved in a number of community activities and a member of the Palm Springs Writers Guild Board of Directors. A recognized expert on symbolism, he is the author of Battle of Symbols and served as a consultant on the film The Da Vinci Code. He writes a regular column for Script Magazine, the largest publication for screenwriters. He is currently at work on a history of Palm Desert as well as a biography of a world-renowned nutritionist and a famous paleontologist. He lives in Columbus, Ohio.